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Honest reviews on best-selling books for teens and tweens.


Daughter of the Deep

Updated: Dec 28, 2022

Ana Dakkar is a freshman at a five-year high school called Harding-Pencroft Academy, where the best marine scientists, naval warriors, navigators, and underwater explorers in the world graduate from.

Two years ago, Ana's parents died on a scientific expedition and now she only has her older brother, Dev, who also goes to HP. (And yes, they've already heard all the Harry Potter jokes, so zip it.)

Ana's class is having a weekend trial at sea, and none of her classmates knows anything about it. She is just praying that she will succeed. But all her anxiety disappears when Ana and her classmates are witnesses to a horrible tragedy that will drastically change their lives.

The class's professor confides in Ana that HP has been fighting a cold war with their rival school, Land Institute, for 150 years. Now the cold war is boiling, and the freshmen are in terrible danger.

In a dangerous race against deadly enemies, Ana will form unbreakable bonds and make mind-blowing discoveries about her family's past when she puts her leadership skills to the test for the first time in this harrowing new book by the famous best-selling author of the Percy Jackson series, Rick Riordan.

Wow. Just wow. I was completely blown away by this book. The plot left my heart racing. The dialogue had me laughing my head off. And the characters. I could not get enough of this book. There should totally be a sequel because this was so amazing I could not stand it. I was pretty much reading this book all day, every day, and it took me about two days to finish it. I was dumbfounded pretty much the entire book, and then at the end, Ana figured everything out and uncovered the traitor, and it was like BOOM. OH MY GOSH. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH I wish I could tell you everything about this book, but I don't wanna spoil it! This was so cool because it really brought out the history of the famous book and Disney movie 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea. TBH, I have never read or seen it, but I am going to now because I have got to know the backstory to this book. And those of you who are extremely, ah, observant in the shipping department will find a budding romance early on. I will say no more for the sake of suspense! But seriously, READ THIS BOOK!

If you are a fan of Rick Riordan, love history, action, and suspense, or are just looking for a new read, I highly recommend this book. For more information, visit or follow him @RickRiordan on Twitter.

If you are interested in purchasing this book, you can buy it on Amazon here.

Happy Reading!

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