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Honest reviews on best-selling books for teens and tweens.


Keeper of the Lost Cities Book 5: Lodestar

Updated: Aug 31, 2023

This was an excellent new addition to the Keeper of the Lost Cities series, and your teen or tween will be just as eager to read it as they were in the last four. Sophie and her friends are thrust into new territory after re-entering the Lost Cities and losing Keefe to the Neverseen. Friendship, loyalty, perseverance, family, and trust are the main characteristics in this story, and the teens put each of these to the test while figuring out the Neverseen's next move.

NOTE: THERE IS VIOLENCE IN THIS BOOK. There are mentions of blood, death, slight gore, drugging/sedating, kidnapping, destruction of a city, and fighting. These scenes are brief and don't go into much detail, but parents/guardians should still be aware that their child is reading this. Violence is illegal in these books because the guilt and gore will shatter the Elvin mind; therefore, it is not a big part of the series. Some characters are immune to this, and other species do not have this problem, so violence is still included in the story.

For more information, visit or

If you are interested in buying this book, get it here on Amazon.

If you have any questions, feel free to ask in the comments section of this post. I will get back to you as soon as I can.

Happy Reading!

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