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Honest reviews on best-selling books for teens and tweens.


The Last Fallen Star

Updated: Dec 28, 2022

Riley Oh is super excited to watch her sister Hattie get initiated into the Gom clan, a full line of Korean healing witches that her family has been part of for centuries. Even though Riley wants more than anything to get initiated into the clan, she is a saram, someone without magic. But Hattie has a plan. The two can cast a spell to let Hattie share her magic with Riley.

But it violates the laws of the Godrealm, and Riley uncovers a horrible secret about her past. When Hattie tries to help her make things right, she ends up frozen in a state between life and death. Now, Riley and her best friend Emmet must find the last fallen star (and figure out what it is) and return it to the Cave Bear Goddes before time runs out.

Joining forces with potentially deadly enemies and uncovering long-buried secrets that make her question everything she's ever believed, Riley must realize what family, magic, and belonging really mean.

Before I read this book, I had no idea there was such a thing as Korean mythology, and I love it! It's so much fun to learn about different cultures and their stories and legends, all while reading a super compelling novel. The ending was like whaaaaaaaaaat because it has a super huge twist that you will never believe. Well, there are a ton of massive twists and turns and whaaaaaaaaaat moments throughout the whole book. So I'll say you will jump out of your seat and scream a lot. I hope your vocal cords are warmed up!

I have to admit Emmet TOTALLY reminds me of Nico di Angelo from Rick Riordan's Percy Jackson series. Moody, allergic to emotions, and kind of deep and mysterious. They seriously need to meet up with a big ol' batch of Emmet's caramel cookies and have a nice, long heart-to-heart.

I love how this book is super family oriented. My family and I are all super close, and I connected with that feeling of loyalty to a sibling (considering I have three, and all of them are younger than me), that tough yet powerful love between kids and parents, and just the overall squishy-squashy mushy family love. It might seem cheesy, but family is the most important thing ever, and it's not very often that you read a book or watch a movie or tv show that embraces that. I promise you, no matter what type of reader you are, you will fall in love with this book.

If you want to learn more, visit the author, Graci Kim, at or follow her on Twitter @GraciKim and Instagram @GraciKimWrites.

If you are interested in buying this book, get it here on Amazon!

Happy Reading!

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